The positive aspect of freedom can be understood in the sense of the freedom to legislate or actualize the moral law. Liberalism is identified with the Right, namely a rule or principle. Liberalism takes the view that each individual has the Right to subjectively determine their own Good. Liberalism and the Right are considered deontological, while perfectionism and the Good are deemed teleological. Kantian theory spans many subjects, and Kant’s own thought developed over time. Kantian moral and ethical theory is in view, specifically regarding the concept of autonomy. Midway through the study, discussion moves from morals to ethics, taking a view of ethical behavior. The self is characterized as the rational or expressive being; the will; the agent; the being with capacity for freedom. The self and other are also centrally placed in the law, and in the law of expression. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.