Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) use a multi-model approach to analyze, define, explain, and offer formulizations to deal with emotional disturbances. The goal of REBT and CBT is to remove or regulate dysfunctional emotions. CBT claims that, if a client has negative thoughts about themselves, life, others, or the future, then that client has dysfunctional/unhealthy negative emotions. In REBT, while dysfunctional thoughts and irrational beliefs are linked with dysfunctional negative feelings, rational beliefs are associated with functional negative feelings. Using a positive psychology approach, many ‘life coaches,’ or ‘mentors,’ offer very attractive systems of advice to people. The classic REBT model offers the ABCDEF model in therapy: Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences, Disputation, Effective beliefs, and Functionality. People in the Middle East are from a collectivist society so that subjective well-being strongly depends on social well-being. Determining goals in therapy and ‘life in general’ is important for Middle Eastern people.