This chapter summarizes more passing understanding of Sufism, and how it can be used in therapy—though it bows to the wisdom of the truly great masters—and explains its relevance to unconditional self-acceptance (USA), unconditional other acceptance (UOA), and unconditional life acceptance (ULA). It addresses some ideas to be used in parallel with rational emotive & cognitive behavior therapy theory. The core of Sufism contains concepts very similar to USA, UOA, and ULA, which have their roots in old scripture, sacred texts, and ancient philosophical and spiritual ideas. Islam claims to be a spiritually, personally, and socially transformative affect and the Sufic way is known as an alchemy for this spiritual transformation. Sufism, based on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, was influenced in its formation by Christian asceticism and Hinduism. The role of parents in the Middle East is to provide unconditional love and acceptance of children, where parenting rules are specified.