Immigration has been one of the most contentious issues in American political history, and is certainly a divisive issue in the modern political landscape. Central to the current immigration debate is what to do with the millions of undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States. Some argue that illegal immigrants should be granted work visas, which would allow them to work in the country legally. Supporters argue that a guest worker program would take away businesses’ incentives to hire illegal immigrants, protect workers from abuse by employers, and place all workers on an equal playing field. Opponents argue that a guest worker program rewards people for breaking the law, takes jobs away from U.S. citizens, and would increase the strain on social programs. This chapter begins with a brief history of immigration policy in the United States, and then explains how the debate over amnesty is really a conflict between principles and pragmatism. The author then explains how immigration benefits the economy overall, while harming particular groups of people that are already the most economically vulnerable.