Many Lodi Afghans came to India for doing commerce. Among them was one Malik Bahram, a merchant, who resolved to settle in India. Darya Khan Lodi first joined the Sharqi Sultan but later joined Bahlul Lodi. Khan-i Jahan Lodi got Badaun. Some portions of the Punjab and Doab were given to Nizam Khan. It is difficult to say whether this division was done on the basis of Afghan tradition or this was the result of the experience of Bahlul. The principal nobles met immediately after the death of Bahlul Lodi at Milauli located outside Delhi to find a Sultan. Sikandar Lodi died on 21 November 1517 possibly due to diphtheria. Sikandar was a charismatic personality in the history of medieval India. Ibrahim Lodi, eldest son of Sikandar, sat on the throne on 22 November 1517. The Afghan nobility sent a united proposal to divide the kingdom for limiting the power of the Sultan.