This chapter attempts to indicate the more important points and to make suggestions for advance. Pre-war studies in this field were few and sketchy. The technical questions connected with disarmament afford great opportunities for experts to overawe and bamboozle the public. The handling of disarmament policy, technicalities should always be kept subordinate to general intention. Under primitive conditions of warfare, man-power is by far the most important factor in armed forces. Limits on the use of material are the real root of disarmament policy. The armament firms and armament traders are among the strongest and most unscrupulous opponents both of disarmament and of peace. There remain certain subsidiary questions connected with a General Disarmament Treaty which deserve notice, namely investigation and control, derogation, and termination. An advance in the direction first of security, then of arbitration, lastly of disarmament itself, has been tried, and in each case has made little progress.