This chapter draws on sources that survey archive material that presents alternative perspectives on the history of HRD’s emergence and growth. The quote by Keith Jenkins from his book Re-thinking History challenged HRD professionals to “re-think” their understanding of HRD. When studying the history of HRD, it is also important to acknowledge that this history will vary according to the country or region where HRD is practiced. Studying the history of HRD can help HRD professionals understand who has influence and why they have influence in determining what is most important. Human resource development (HRD) texts and journal articles discussing HRD’s origins present a range of views regarding the history of the field, the theory HRD draws upon, and its practices. There is a tendency to view HRD’s origins as rooted in managerialism and neoliberal appeals to ensure individuals perform their roles in a way that ensures the financial sustainability and development of the organization.