George Bernard Shaw’s quest to bring about the advancement of the human species, firstly by equalising the status of all across class, gender and race, is something that is widely acknowledged. There is no denial of the fact that the power his female protagonists command on stage creates a completely different role model for contemporary women, which most of them found too scandalous to imitate yet simultaneously too tempting not to follow. His portrayal of women and their problems covered the entirety of female experience and his remedy always remained giving up on the societal norms and needing societal sanctions. His female protagonists are bread-winners, homemakers, warriors, queens, mathematicians, doctors, mothers, manipulators, priestesses and what not! He has shown through his female characters that there is no existing role in the world that women cannot perform. His own life and marriage is full of instances from the real world that prove him an ardent feminist. Ignoring his contribution because of his sex is also gender discrimination against which the feminist movement has waged a war.