This chapter discusses at length what might have been the possible reasons for the Shavian women to choose men inferior to them for marital purposes, or for that matter choosing men at all, given Shaw’s own scepticism regarding the traditionally acknowledged institution of marriage. Along with that its shown how the so-called “anti-feminist” choices made by Shavian women with regard to marriage are not only feminist but also very progressive.

The focal point of this chapter, however, is that it proposes and aims to prove the Shavian philosophy of Life Force as one of the chief arguments against the Freudian phallus fallacy. It not only combats the Freudian assumptions about the phallic fixations but also shifts the focus of the argument from the want of specific genitals (in women) to the want of an intellectual consciousness (in men). This chapter also discusses the possibility of women being the first “Superman” while also recognising those characters (both male and female) from his selected plays who show the maximum potential to be the “Supermen”.