Nature has been the mother, healer and mentor for man; the same roles that are often assigned to women in the stereotypical representation. The shared bond of being the second in an oppressive system has often brought women and nature together, forcing them to work without remuneration and through exploitation to cater to the needs of man. Even when independent of man, patriarchy and culture are there to relegate their needs to secondary situations. Even when there is the acknowledgement of the fact that the female and nature are essential for the sustenance of life, a sustainable existence for them is never incorporated into this system. This brings them all the more closer due to their shared need to fight the system. To ensure the same, a platonic sisterhood develops between nature and women that may or may not be of spiritual or supernatural nature, but is definitely one of empathy. Shaw has shown the existence of this bond since Genesis to his contemporary times and has definitely included all the points of concerns and remedy that are now being mentioned in third-wave ecofeminist theories, whether these be sustainable existence, mutual reliance, divination in nature or vegetarian ecofeminism.