The Hungarians bitterly complained that their Estates had not been consulted in making peace. The diplomats of the aristocratic Republic of Venice often characterized the Hungarian nobility well. After the Peace of Vasvar, Leopold tried to appease the malcontents by convoking the Hungarian Councillors. The discontent caused by the Peace of Vasvar and by real or alleged violations of the Hungarian liberties, permeated wide circles of the nobles and induced a number of magnates to make a conspiracy against the Emperor. A special tribunal composed of Hungarian bishops, magnates and lawyers tried a great number of Protestant preachers and teachers. The imperial army under Charles of Lorraine took up the liberation of Hungary, the Poles invaded Moldavia, though with little success, and the Venetians Morea. The fanatical strife between Catholics and Protestant, between the radical Hungarian nationalists and their opponents, the striving of imperial statesmen for monarchical absolutism, lastly endless wars and rebellions, had frustrated normal constitutional relations.