In the year 1666 three Frenchmen, whose names are among the most famous in the list of European travellers in India, were in that country simultaneously; a fourth was on his way thither. Jean Baptiste Tavernier made his first commercial visit to the East in 1631, but did not go beyond Persia, which he reached overland via Constantinople. On his return he remained at Paris for some time, starting on his second " Voyage " in 1638. After two years Tavernier again started on his travels. Travelling overland to Bandar Abbas, he embarked at that port for India, but on this occasion went round Cape Comorin and landed at Masulipatam. This was in July, 1652. After a visit to St Thomé, and a business interview with Mir Jumla, Tavernier started for Golconda, from which place he proceeded to Surat From Surat, at the invitation of the well-known Shaista Khan, then Governor of Guzerat, he went on to Ahmedabad.