Is it real or is it imagination? What is real to one person may be nothing but a passing thought to another, or maybe it doesn’t exist at all. Driving on a congested city street, you look around and see cars jammed bumper to bumper in the non-moving traffic. In each car you see other drivers and passengers as angry and frustrated as you are. That is a reality of city driving. Yet when you get to your destination and are settled down at home in a comfortable chair, those people in the traffic no longer exist. Of course they do! But not in your reality. They have been replaced by the comfort of your home. The cars and passengers no longer exist in your conscious mind. The unconscious mind responds to stimuli from the senses quicker than the conscious, often resulting in wrong decisions or reactions. The conscious mind assesses the circumstances and concludes whether danger is present and if there is reason to fear. It is a matter of mindset. If the mind is focused on one item, it may take a moment for reality to recognize and react.