Once the plot of the employee value propositions (EVP), which included price, was presented, it was much easier for FinServ executives to understand what was going on and what they had as options in order to improve the firm’s EVP and the associated outcomes. The few assessments that do measure price almost never examine the intersection between price and satisfaction and therefore cannot truly position the EVP. The good news is that all of the ideas about benefits, price, and relative comparisons can be captured in EVP concrete ways that executives can literally graph their EVP. From that graph executives can visually see how strong or weak their EVP is. A statistical analysis of the current EVP using multivariate techniques showed that a 10% increase in price would likely result in a 17% increase in turnover. Not surprisingly, afterward, the EVP actually improved and undesired turnover went down, recruiting yield improved, as did employee motivation and project deadline achievement.