When we looked up rabbit hole, we noticed the words “bizarre, confusing, or nonsensical,” which reminds us of Deleuze’s writing on sense, nonsense, and excess of sense. Deleuze called it sense, this non-representing, unrepresentable, ‘wild element’ in language. Sense is important for a materialist methodology because it works as a sort of ‘mobius strip’ between language and the world. We note in relation to Deleuze and his writing on Alice in Wonderland: Deleuze does not write ‘about’ other artists, but ‘with’ or ‘from’ them, each time metamorphosing his tools according to his new object of study. It is then not only the concepts, but Deleuzian thought itself that proliferates like a rhizome by connecting itself to new fields of study. For us, we first thought of rabbit holes more literally as rabbits burrowing, holing in the ground, rather than in the Alice in Wonderland and/or Deleuzian way.