Health Science, or "preventive medicine," arose in the latter half of the nineteenth century. It has done wonders in its fifty years of existence in saving life, improving health, increasing happiness, and educating public opinion in regard to hygiene. Whatever Mental Hygiene is it cannot be dissociated from soundness of brain. The solidarity of brain and mind is an axiom of modern medicine. Hygiene is the short term to express this science and art. The man who writes about Mental Hygiene must, in addition, have a special acquaintance with brain structure and function, and must take into special account mental evolution, ethics, education, sociology, and the religious instincts. Rational Mental Hygiene must rest solely on a sound physiological conception of the true relation of the brain and mind to each other and to the rest of the human organism. Mental Hygiene must assume as its basis that mind, in its every faculty and exhibition, implies and requires accompanying brain action.