The Mental Hygiene of the fully developed man and woman is not so important as the hygiene of adolescence, not because there it has less work to do, but because the flux of growth and development is over and the brain and mind have nearly reached such stability as the individual is capable of. Inhibition of all sorts in a normal individual should be strong. The full power to apply experience to help life's future work should exist. The woman has developed more on the lines of sympathy, emotion, of wanting to please those she loves, delighting in being the mistress of household, and loving children passionately. Manhood and womanhood, as things commonly go in the world, and for most people, imply hard work, disappointments, and success or failure in the main efforts of life. The Mental Hygiene needed by the head-worker is essentially different from that required by the hand-worker or the mere routine worker at a desk.