The want of appetite, or a perverted appetite, means that the processes of tissue metabolism and chemical change and waste which are going on in every organ, and, as we have seen, go on so rapidly in the brain, are disordered in some way. The hygienic study of the relations between the sexes, and the male and the female characteristics, is one that cannot be neglected without harm. An abundant supply of pure air to the brain, through the blood, is essential to its working. The lassitude of the occupants of an overcrowded church, the inattention of the scholars in an ill-ventilated school, the irritability, the headaches, the feeling of organic discomfort of the persons who live in ill-aired rooms, are all danger signals and cries for more oxygen by the brain. The ideals of Mental Hygiene are, in the first place, a happy childhood with the brain functions and the mental faculties unfolding in their natural order.