The study of heredity is admittedly one of the most difficult branches of science. To read some of the views of the writers on heredity one might almost suppose that it was entirely a theoretical matter referring to scientific doctrine. The connection through heredity of such brain diseases as idiocy, imbecility, and insanity, with excess of alcohol, is very strong indeed. The more civilised man has become, the more complex and the more important have his social instincts become. It may be said that any individual who is destitute of them is in a pathological condition. In many diseases the social instincts become paralysed. Many young women who take to study, to nursing, and to social work are so intense and so conscientious that they absolutely require the antidote of a certain amount of pleasant social intercourse. Closely connected with the social instincts, but having in addition a far intenser emotional basis, comes love between the sexes.