The " spiritualist" and the " telepathist," the " theosophist," and the " Christian Science" devotees will adduce proofs abundantly satisfactory to themselves that mind can be manifested and influenced apart from brain and the senses. Mind and organisation must meantime be regarded as a dualism, organisation being the factor which can be most easily got at and influenced by hygienic means. The ordinary instincts of the metaphysician, the religionist, the moralist, and the educationalist have as yet, no doubt, been strongly in the direction of cultivating mind and morals apart from their organ, the brain. Modern science believes that many precious lives that would have done much for the world have been lost through early preventable death or bad training and through want of mental and bodily hygiene. Mind and brain form a dualism and both require to be taken into account equally in our system of education and in our modes of life.