The secretion from the tear glands is formed and pours forth. Emotion is a higher mental action than sensation, but the one commonly arises out of the other, looked at from the purely mental point of view. Altruism has to come in as one of the great hygienic considerations in emotional life and its expression. Take a child; most things seem to give it pleasure, and those pleasures it learns to express by the muscular action of smiling and cooing and laughter and shouting. No one can study the facial expression of the children of the very poor and the children who are suffering from rickets and scrofula without being impressed with the deficiency in facial expression which they exhibit. They are in ill-health and need hygiene and medical care. Woman, being more emotional than man, needs, no doubt, more careful hygiene, but people would not have our women, young or old, unemotional or undemonstrative.