The axiom of William of Wykeham that “Manners maketh Man" has been accepted as wise and truthful by the whole English race everywhere. The "softening of manners" has always been put down as one of the most desirable results of civilisation. Among modern nations, the Japanese seem to have attained the highest success in the cultivation of good manners, so that among them politeness has become hereditary and is practised by them all, from the youngest child to the oldest man. Mosso shows thay in fatigue there are very subtle brain-poisons produced in the blood, and changes in the temperature and in the muscles in consequence. Play is a natural instinct in the young of all vertebrate animals. Play is literally the prologue and the preparation for the serious work of life. The proper selection of work for the particular brain to do, and its regulation on physiological principles, is the basis of the hygiene of employment.