In the 1970s the use of projection screens became a staple of concerts and theatre for scenic and lighting design. IMAG video also became a standard for corporate meetings. Initially the screens were bed sheets projected on by a 35 mm Kodak Carousal projector, the same that was being used in homes. Surfaces made of vinyl with properties that could be produced for front and rear projection followed as well as angles of viewing. Vinyl screen can be made in enormous sizes: 55” to 120” wide. The Broadway musical The Music Man was the first to use a Ribbon screen that actors could step through. Rear screens have the disadvantage of a hot spot from the projector lens being visible. The use of LED tiles solves the problem of rear-projection hot spots. They can be used for home entertainment, store displays, concerts, and TV as well as large outdoor displays. There is a nine-point system that defines an LED tile. Pixel pitch and nit are prime components in choosing an LED tile system.