Richard III was at least morally responsible and probably directly responsible for the murder of the little Princes in the Tower of London. Whether Duke Gian Galeazzo Sforza died of poison or of illness and dissipation is unknown. With an intricate network of alliances, with subsidies for minor princes, with secret agents as well as ambassadors everywhere, II Moro was influential and superbly well informed. As a child Lodovico Sforza displayed the same precocity as did his elder brother Galeazzo Maria and his learned Sister Ippolita Sforza. He had a remarkable memory, spoke Latin fluently, was genuinely interested in art and literature, had a head for figures, was an excellent administrator and an adroit diplomatist. One of the great nobles of Milan and one of the finest soldiers in Italy was Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, who had loyally supported Galeazzo Maria. Lodovico passed him over and made his handsome and charming favorite Galeazzo Sanseverino commander of the Milanese armies.