A prime film example of the practice of sinking waste can be found in Soderbergh’s film Erin Brockovich, 2000, which exposes the contamination of drinking water through a giant corporation’s chemical dumping. Some Sci-Fi and Futurist films, whilst dependent on huge budgets, do have the power to challenge, meaningfully, the way in which the Anthropocene transgresses both the social and biophysical-planetary boundaries. In terms of film practice there is a need to develop and deepen standard narratives by moving away from the three-act structure of exposition-confrontation-resolution and to move away also from a simplified form of the three «Rs» (Return, Retribution, and Redemption). The film follows the standard format of the three-act arc structure within which a series of oppositions get played out. The title of the film makes it clear that the narrative is woven around an individual who manages to save the day.