This chapter represents the thought concept of inculturation into the general framework of which the Christian Ashram Movement can be included. Here, not only is the problematic definition of the content of the term “inculturation” thematized but also the considerably different approaches to its function. Also mentioned are the diverse opinions on the subject that inculturation should deal with and also the individual phases that the inculturation process should go through if it is to bear the expected fruit. The second half of this chapter presents selected points of the critical analysis of the most important themes, functional principles and the meaning of inculturation as such. This criticism is based on an analysis of official documents of the Catholic Church. The antinomies of thought present in these documents, together with the outline of the later development of the relationship of the Church to inculturation, are the theoretical stakes demarcating the space where the Christian Ashram Movement takes place and by which it is concurrently limited.