This chapter introduces the four-step plan around which we construct the book.

Step 1) Provide the couple with the necessary physical and emotional safety in and out of the office.

Step 2) Separate the original, one-person wound, perhaps a childhood trauma of loss, from the reactive feelings in the current two-person, marital fight, which has sparked the referral. The exploration of the childhood injury marks the initial focus of the treatment.

Step 3) Then we introduce skills to rekindle intimacy within the couple, once the wound of each has become clearer.

Step 4) Finally, we use this further closeness to promote long-term personality development in each of the pair.

The chapter continues, demonstrating in detail, how to build a sense of safety for each client, so that the therapy can proceed effectively. Case examples from a number of senior practitioners illustrate how to promote these feelings of security, beginning with word one.