This chapter examines the Collaborative for Understanding the Pedagogy of Infant/toddler Development (CUPID) Competency Guidance of Infant/Toddler Behavior. According to CUPID, home visitor should possess: expanded knowledge of the role of family interaction patterns and adult mental health in child misbehavior and of basic strategies parents can use to reduce their children’s negative behavior and guide their children’s positive behavior. Guiding infant/toddler behavior in ways that are appropriate for their age requires some basic knowledge of infant/toddler development. Family interaction patterns play a major role in shaping and guiding child behavior in three important ways: attachment, parenting styles, and issues in the family system. Knowledge of human growth and development can also guide home visitors in guidance and discipline techniques that are developmentally appropriate for the age of the infant or toddler. The developmental progression of young children’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional skills is directly linked to their behavior.