A five-year Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the 25-year rule of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the 42-year rule of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, and the three-year genocide of Khmer Rouge in Cambodia indicated a series of communal violence, pogroms, and rebellions. Peace economics concerns the economic study and design of political, economic and cultural institutions, their interrelations, and their policies to prevent, mitigate, or resolve any latent/hidden or actual violence or other destructive conflicts within and between societies. The World Bank, IMF and Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) define structural adjustment programs (SAPs), as an effective tool to herald a market society and a sound business environment in developing countries. It is a new economic policy discourse under the influence of neoliberal policy. The World Bank, IMF and OECD have applied a so-called pro-poor growth for policy options to remedy the inequality of income distribution, balance the economic prosperity, and to alleviate poverty.