During the period 1863–1953 Cambodia was under the French Protectorate or French colony Norodom signed an agreement on economic cooperation, friendship and protection on 11 August 1863 to defend Cambodian sovereignty from foreign and neighboring invaders. In exchange, France gained power and rights to control mining, timber industries and rubber plantations. Human Rights are the foundation of human existence and coexistence. They are universal, indivisible and interdependent. And they lie at the heart of everything the UN aspires to achieve in its global mission of peace and development. From economic liberalization, OECD shows a gradual increase in GDP growth rate and regards Cambodia as one of the emerging Asia average of GDP between 2000–2007 and 2013–2018. A gradual economic growth remains strong at an average of 7.6 per annum from 1994 to 2015. The chapter explains a historic period in Cambodia and the influence of complex philosophies and ideologies.