Stimulating Sensory and body awareness are crucial in order for children to be able to gain meaningful information from the environment. Sensory stimulation is a technique that attempts to stimulate the child's senses tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, visual, auditory, olfactory and gustatory through a variety of sensory stimuli. Tommy has low muscle tone and finds it hard to hold his head and coordinate his arm and hand movements, often presenting with some involuntary movements. Alina attended weekly swimming lessons in school and her family hired a private swimming pool for one hour each week. School and Alina's parents worked together to decide on the goal of encouraging her to walk up and down the length of the swimming pool twice at the beginning of the swimming session, before Alina could choose between her own activities or the class learning objectives. Her parents and the school kept a record of Alina's progress and ways to develop the activity further.