In rejecting censorship and restrictions, Kon suggests his own "realistic strategy" for dealing with the problem of pornography that avoids primary reliance upon censorship. Classic sexually-explicit literature, like the works of Henry Miller or D. H. Lawrence, can be quite beneficial because "it helps the reader to overcome the muteness created by puritanical upbringing, to see personal sexual experiences and learn more adequate expressions that are very important for interpersonal communication" and prevent unnecessary neuroses. Promoting sexual communication will serve many beneficial ends, including resolving a number of sexual "pathologies" that have been diagnosed erroneously as such: The irrational taboos on certain words, which are acquired in childhood and are erroneously perceived as protecting chastity, cripple adults and youngsters alike. The United States could hardly be pointed to as a nation that has solved the problems of primitive sexual culture or of sexual education, which brings us to another sort of problem with the "Americanization.".