This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book examines the weaknesses of post-hoc categorizations about Peruvian government motives in creating a public enterprise under conditions where: decisional issues are complex and ambiguous; creation motives are many and varied; each potential actor in the creation decision may express individual preferences. It analyses four standard top-down systems: planning, budgeting, committee coordination, and information networks to differentiate among intrastate actors. The book explains the evolution of the leading public enterprises' income, profits, subsidies, taxes, employment, investment, debt, and value added. It aims to develop a new conceptual policy paradigm around a set of inter-linkages within the public administration system that influence public enterprise performance and applies it to Peru. The book reviews the material presented earlier to provide a basis for debunking myths, clarifying misconceptions, and clearing misperceptions about public enterprise growth and development.