The closing of the Torchlight, the government's control of the mass media, the arrest and imprisonment without trial of prominent members of the business community, and the People's Revolutionary Government (PRG) close ties to Cuba and the Soviet Union all served to alienate the influential segment of Grenada's society. A much more alarming development was the disillusionment of the general populace with the PRG. The PRG was convinced that the bullets were really meant for Austin, the commander-in-chief of the People's Revolutionary Army. In spite of the constant exhortations of the New Jewel Movement (NJM) and PRG that the masses--the Grenadian people--must participate in all decisions and that nothing ought to be hidden from them, the Central Committee members agreed that the masses must not be informed. Bishop was also missing at the opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Full Members of the NJM, which took place on September 25.