The study of third party intervention in numerous conflict situations, ranging from the individual through labor-management to international conflict, has promoted the growth of a significant, if primarily impressionistic, body of literature. Process interventions are characterized by system inclusion and diagnostic-facilitative interventions. In process intervention a third party is concerned with fbottled-upf emotions and feelings of stress, anxiety, and insecurity. Increasing reliance on contact, cooperation, and effective communication is a characteristic of process interventions. Third parties, in process interventions, can influence the way information is being collected and presented so that it is optimally relevant to the phases of diagnosis, conceptual resolution, and operational resolution. Process interventions are based on the assumption that in a conflict management relationship, a third party generates information, provides resources, and improves the way individuals are functioning. At the heart of the strategy of process intervention are the assumptions of methodological individualism, communicational openness, and responsiveness to new information.