The promises of the Twelfth Plenum were quickly carried out. The Ninth Congress met at last in Peking, eight years late, from April 1 to 24, 1969. The Chinese Communist Party emerged from it completely transformed. The Ninth Congress was attended by 1,512 representatives who, instead of being elected by members of the Party, were chosen by "democratic consultation," as "blind faith in elections is a conservative idea." As regards the Party and institutions, the Party was to some extent rehabilitated for good, because its role as "the core of leadership of the Chinese people" was reaffirmed. The political report of Lin Piao is the other important text of the Ninth Congress, besides the new Party constitution. Lin Piao also put forward the tactics chosen by Mao Tse-tung, an attack on counterrevolutionary culture and opinions, followed by a mobilization of the whole people, who were then launched on a great political revolution.