The Parkfield prediction may well be the most studied quake prediction from geological, seismological, and public reaction viewpoints to have ever emerged. The results of the research performed on the societal response aspects of the Parkfield earthquake prediction were not unknown to members of the US Geological Survey, to other members of the working group, and to earthquake management officials in California. The contemporary interdisciplinary character of earthquake prediction and earthquake prediction management is also illustrated in the most current "prediction" in the nation. The series of events that began around the August 1, 1992 revealed the phenomenal societal benefits of the Parkfield earthquake prediction experiment. The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay area did more than cause damage. The probabilities of large earthquakes along the San Andreas fault system in northern California were in fact raised above what they had been before the Loma Prieta quake had struck the area.