The perspective of writers like Antonio Negri, Adriano Sofri, Sergio Bologna and Raniero Panzieri began from the premise that socialist revolution was necessary in Italy as elsewhere. The links between Italy's historic left, the Socialists and Communists, and the working class, particularly the new "mass" workers up from the South, had been severed. Its attitude towards the massive Italian Communist party and the question of revolution parallel Mao's judgments concerning the domestic and foreign policy heresies of the Soviet leadership. A Marxist, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli had become enthralled by the victory of the Castro insurgency in Cuba as well as the efforts of other guerrilla bands to produce similar results in other Latin American nations. The political traditions of Tuscany and the Veneto regions of Italy are very different. The principal legacy that the historic anarchist movement bequeathed to the recent generation of left-wing terrorists was more theoretical than organizational.