The division of the KGB most directly involved in law enforcement is the main directorate, which is charged with internal security. Three agencies are concerned with law enforcement in the USSR: the courts, the procuracy, and the police. All are supposed to be governed by law. A superficial reading of constitution suggests that Soviet citizens have a wide range of rights protected by the government. In particular, the economic rights are guaranteed by Soviet legislation that protects the basic welfare of the population. The end of the civil war and the beginning of New Economic Policy led to changes in the organization of the security police. In 1922 the functions of Cheka were transferred to the State Political Directorate, or Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie. Many functions that are judicial in United States are performed in the USSR by the procuracy, which has no real counterpart in the United States. The strengthening of socialist legality was a significant improvement in Soviet life.