In this chapter, students of Beginning Medical Spanish will acquire the necessary oral communicative skills to discuss the level of physical activities that their patients engage in, by describing and eliciting information on favorite daily and seasonal activities and practices. They will appropriately incorporate a variety of regular -er and -ir verbs as well as verbs: (hacer), (jugar), (almorzar) and (dormir) to their interactions along with the vocabulary of the seasons. Students will also be able to describe and elicit information with regards to the frequency of these activities by including adverbial expressions to their communications such as: siempre, todos los días and frecuentemente, etc. These skills will then allow the medical professionals to successfully close conversations with their patient by making appropriate life-style recommendations using infinitive constructions preceded by the impersonal expressions, es bueno, es necesario. They will also be able to communicate some gentle criticism of practices to patients’ activities using es malo and no es bueno. Students will demonstrate an awareness of how to respond to patients with cultural humility when learning about the Hispanic culturally based concepts of marianismo and colectivismo and the impact they may have on exercise and leisure physical activity for some Hispanic women from less accultured communities.