Welcome to Maximizing Participation, a spectacular augmentative and assistive communication (AAC) finale and launching pad all in one. Meet Joy, a Japanese-American 12-year-old middle school tween, a sister and daughter who is Maximizing Participation at home, school, and in the community. Joy is outgoing and enjoys dynamic friendships. Joy is Maximizing Participation using AAC to contribute ideas, topics, opinions, and information as she lives her life with others. Joy and her team realize that Maximizing Participation is an end game but a jumping off point, a place to ask the right questions to go forward in participation. Maximizing Participation with Communication Activities focuses on professionals child and communication partners during participation across environments. Maximize Participation by starting a book club Just think about the opportunities for exchanging ideas, information, and opinions with other kids, those using AAC and peers from the class or rest of the school.