Psychoanalysts are as aware of changes in current social discourse as others in the field. When Freud started to formulate categories of diagnosis such as hysteria and obsessional neurosis, his clinical observations and research were the source for this conceptualisation. In Dangerous Method, a movie exploring the relationship between Jung, Freud and Sabina Spielrein in the early years of psychoanalysis, the portrayal of Spielrein is considered as a case of hysteria whose transference to Jung made her go on to study medicine and psychoanalysis. Freud, in this paper, continues with his clinical observation of hysteria: hysterics, he says, are prone to certain hereditary illnesses. It is rather a common complaint in the clinic of obsessional neurosis to hear about their helplessness in avoiding certain sets of rituals preventing them from moving on. The theme of procrastination in the clinic of an obsessional has a different meaning than in hysteria.