Balochistan is considered to be the most neglected and overlooked province of Pakistan, a closer look at Pakistan’s history points that it always remained central to political and strategic developments taking place inside and around Pakistan. Baloch nationalists claim that Baloch are not given employment at the Gwadar Port and that there is no opportunity for vocational training for the locals. One Belt One Road and especially China–Pakistan Economic corridor (CPEC) have challenged the existing geostrategic order and balance in the region and have the potential to alter the geostrategic fault lines in Asia. The significance of Balochistan in the future stability of Pakistan cannot be over-emphasized. It’s geostrategic location, hard-working and brave people, vast resources and critical projects such as the Gwadar Port and CPEC are too vital for Pakistan. Due to these factors, Balochistan has become a centre of attention of regional and global players.