The concept of port performance is formed by two interconnected components; efficiency and effectiveness. Resilience to disruptions emerges as the additional third component. Performance refers to the execution of port activities in a manner that meets targets set by the service providers and fulfils the expectations of the port customers. Each port measures its performance. It then uses the outcome of this measurement to make any necessary strategic, structural, operational, or other adjustments to improve its competitiveness. The World Bank had already started to report on port indicators in the early 1990s, focusing on operational issues as it proposed three broad categories of indicators: asset performance indicators, operational performance indicators, and financial performance indicators. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is a permanent intergovernmental body established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1964. In 1976, UNCTAD developed one of the first studies on port performance by providing 18 indicators divided into two broad categories: financial and operational.