Every human being is of equal value. Christians are called to focus on people treated as less than human. No one should be excluded from abundant life. Second, the marginalized should determine what development means for them. Not everyone wants the market at the center of life. FBDOs have an important role to play in addressing the complex issues that keep people at the margins. This chapter presents some of the issues emerging from the marginalized. This chapter argues for attention to intersectionality, all that marginalizes a person. Economic power intersects with the environment, sex, gender, sexuality, ability, age, race, nationality, politics, religion, and so forth. We need to attend to this complexity. Examples of organizations that work at the intersections include Partners in Health and the Brazilian Landless movement, among others. Most commonly, development practices tend to focus on one aspect of poverty or one need in a community. However, development practice should engage a community holistically, aiming to work with the most marginalized in whatever ways they are marginalized.