Intentional Development clearly identifies the skills required to improve a learner’s performance or increase his/her potential for future success. The fewer competencies that are included in an Intentional Development Plan, the more likely the learner will make progress and have an impact with new skills. For development to be effective, it must be built into a leader’s day-today work and not be seen as something extra that has to be added to an already busy schedule. Developmental needs differ across learners, but the process that leaders must maneuver to create new competencies is the same—Intentional Leadership Development. The basic overarching operating principle of human brains is to maximize reward and minimize danger or threat. The cohorts can focus solely on development; however, the learning opportunity is significantly enhanced when the cohort is also assigned a meaningful challenge to address. This combines a 70 with a 20, adding in the Intentional Development factor of “Build It In; Don’t Bolt It On”.