At the end of this trajectory, the analyst possesses psychoanalytic tools – the links L, H, and K, the experiences of pleasure/unpleasure, a tolerance/intolerance for frustration, normal and hypertrophied projective identification, the container/contained relationship, alpha function, the alternation between paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, etc. – which favour the establishment of a mode of psychoanalytic thinking oriented towards the growth of thoughts and of the apparatus for thinking them. At the end of his life, Bion moved to California and profited from his time there, among other things, to write A Memoir of the Future, a book in which he presents himself under various disguises (Bion, MYSELF, Psycho-analyst, Doctor, Seven-week embryo, Schoolboy, Eighteen years old, Forty years old, etc.) among other characters (Alice, Schreber, Sherlock, Robin, Priest, etc.) to learn to coexist in a state of mutual understanding in spite of the juxtaposed universes and different caesuras which make the reader pass from one mental life to another. Bion wrote this book according to the principles of non-continuity and non-linearity which are representative of the Bionian way of thinking … and of reality.