Coal and its principal classifications (lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, anthracite) are vital in the global electricity production and contribute positively to the global/national energy mix and energy independence. This chapter demonstrates the supply chain of coal from generation of peat or turf, to its primary mining methods, i.e., surface mining and deep underground, while providing a geographical and commercial analysis of the main coal producers and consumers.

A discussion on the chemical qualities of the key classifications of coal, includes, among others, their energy content, carbon content, calorific value, and uses. An extensive range of coal-based products used in the construction, manufacturing, transportation, chemical, and medicine industries is hereby presented.

Modern coal plants are using green cutting-edge technologies, known as “Clean Coal Technologies” (CCT), in order to maximize energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint. The chapter describes techniques such as “Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration” (CCUS); Post-Combustion Capture; Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC); Oxy-Fuel Combustion; and so on.

The Advantages, Risks, and Recommendations section offers information on the key security risk areas, best practices and recommendations. Case studies of significant coal organizations, countries and global partnerships are presented, to better verify the importance of this energy segment.