The dramatic events since the summer of 2015 are the moment of truth for the West, for the white civilization, and the moment of its confrontation with the catastrophic heritage of its global hegemony and its present continuation. The ideological construction of the refugee in such hate speech goes through a double matrix of exclusion. In the social sense, they are others due to their different habits, their substantially higher fertility which is pushing Slovenian or European population into soon becoming the minority in our own homeland. Based on this double exclusionist matrix, Slovenia saw paradigmatically different refugee images emerge. The numerous, mostly negative refugee images in Slovenia and Europe sadly belong in the context of similar processes of radicalisation of the post-cold war, united, democratic, tolerant, free Europe without borders. Psychoanalyst Alexander Mitscherlich explains the processuality and the transfer of prejudices from one group onto another: they do not always have the same goal but can target ever-new enemies.