With the full-scale, top-down assault on democratic institutions including the free press, elections, and the obstruction of democratic participation in national and global decision making, today's need for artists and educators to foster sites of public dissent and oppositional art is fueled by do-or-die urgency. Pocha-based performance pedagogy has the potential to foster new kinds of stewardship of the body and the ecological environments the people inhabit. The challenge and excitement of helping to translate Pocha’s live art laboratory to the page and update their radical pedagogy was particularly present in writers’ lab convivencias with Pocha Nostra co-artistic director Saul, who was mapping his pedagogical performance journey on the page for the first time. May the five dimensions of Anahuac guide and preserve the people exploration of this book’s contents, and may it ever yield good medicine for their life’s work and all their relations. .